Company Accounts

Companies with a turnover of less than £5.8m do not require an Audit, but they are still required to produce Statutory Accounts which comply with Companies Act legislation, and their Accounts must be prepared in accordance with recognised Accounting Standards.

Companies with turnover in excess of £5.8m per annum have a statutory requirement to have their Accounts audited each year by a Registered Auditor.

Hudson Lees are not registered as Auditors, so we cannot provide this service.

Hudson Lees are firmly committed to the latest technology in Accounts production software which ensures that we keep up to date with changes in legislation and accounts production techniques.


Sole Traders & Partnerships

Sole Traders and Partnerships represent a large part of our business.

These businesses have no statutory obligation to produce annual Accounts.

Nevertheless Accounts are required by the Inland Revenue, and by Banks, Building Societies and other interested parties in support of finance applications etc.

An increasing number of taxpayers are now using computer software packages to produce their Accounts. Hudson Lees can advise you on the right computerised product to suit your business
